Tuesday, March 29, 2022
Re-Allocating this blog space/My Professional Journey
This blog used to be home to a handful of cringe-y posts made in my late teens. I've destroyed any and all evidence of those old posts; and am re-allocating this blog to serve as a journal of my journey changing career paths.
I COULD write up a quick summary of the story so far and then just continue from current time -- but I feel like the story is better told through my LinkedIn posts from the past few weeks. So my intent is to copy/paste all of those posts here as individual entries.
While all of that existing content will be identical; my plan is to diverge this blog from what I've been doing on LinkedIn.
LinkedIn is a great platform for me to share my experience in a character limited/short-form environment with a really wide audience; but most of that audience doesn't really care about the nitty gritty details and I write way too many words to fit the whole story into that limited space.
My content there will remain much the same as it has been; the content here will more often come in a longer format and will be intended for an audience that is generally more interested in me and my journey. My assumption is that anyone who bothers to click a link to get here cares more than someone who just happened to see my post in their feed.
I think I have a few legacy subscribers; I want to apologize in advance if you get a metric goat-load of notifications as I catch the blog up to current day and encourage you to unsubscribe if you aren't at all interested!
Thanks for bearing with me as I get this going!